Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Thunderbolts Project—Advancing Our Liaison With Experts
November 19, 2011
Over the coming two or three weeks we will be extending our liaison with qualified experts domestically and internationally, to follow up on expressed interest in the upcoming conference, ELECTRIC UNIVERSE 2012—THE HUMAN STORY, January 6-8. The conference itself will be a focal point of direct liaison with newcomers to the movement.
I'll be traveling to Las Vegas on Tuesday, January 3, in order to accommodate vital communications in advance of the event. If there is someone you know, with whom we should be communicating—someone who might indeed join a vanguard of experts—please pass the connection on to me by simply responding to this email. I'll do my best to accommodate key communications.
Thanks to everyone for their inspiration and support,
David Talbott
November 19, 2011
Over the coming two or three weeks we will be extending our liaison with qualified experts domestically and internationally, to follow up on expressed interest in the upcoming conference, ELECTRIC UNIVERSE 2012—THE HUMAN STORY, January 6-8. The conference itself will be a focal point of direct liaison with newcomers to the movement.
I'll be traveling to Las Vegas on Tuesday, January 3, in order to accommodate vital communications in advance of the event. If there is someone you know, with whom we should be communicating—someone who might indeed join a vanguard of experts—please pass the connection on to me by simply responding to this email. I'll do my best to accommodate key communications.
Thanks to everyone for their inspiration and support,
David Talbott
Thunderbolts Project_Personal Report from David Talbott
Watching the calendar rush ahead as we complete essential plans for the upcoming conference in Las Vegas, Electric Universe 2012—the Human Story, January 6-8...
One question we've received concerns the overall tone and content of the event:
Will the conference be primarily for scientists and experts with advanced training? Or will it be for general audiences?
The event is designed for both expert and general audiences alike, but with every effort being made to communicate key content at a readily understandable level. Perhaps a few exceptions should be expected, but the presentations as a whole are for an intellectually curious crowd drawn to the power of a new paradigm. No advanced degrees required!
When we launched the Thunderbolts Project several years ago, the goal was to advance the core concepts of the Electric Universe paradigm without ever becoming dependent on governmental or traditional institutional support. Broad support from the public requires effective communication with people from all walks of life.
At the same time we resolved to cultivate every possible opening to confidential discussion with experts in wide-ranging disciplines. In most contexts, for reasons most readers will surely understand, the communication has remained strictly confidential. This strategic component is now beginning to pay off in extraordinary ways, and individuals with the highest level of experience in the sciences will be present at the conference as observers.
One thing is clear from recent developments. The Electric Universe is rapidly gaining ground, and the gains are occurring precisely where concrete advances are most important to us. Until very recently I myself did not realize that, at the top of the scientific fields affected by the Electric Universe paradigm, many of the best experts are already in private conversation with each other about our work. A surprising number agree that the profile of theoretical science is going to change—and soon—with a radical turn toward the Electric Universe.
One major theme leading the way in 2012 will be the Thornhill-Scott hypothesis of the Electric Sun, with its emphasis on two testable and provable tenets: 1) solar behavior cannot be understood apart from the Sun's external electrical environment, and 2) the "mysterious" influence controlling variable solar output (showing up most profoundly at the highest frequencies) is a transistor-like action at the solar surface. In other words, without the benefit of electrical engineers and experts on energetic glow discharge phenomena, officials guiding solar exploration will continue to ask the wrong questions.
It should be obvious to all that if the Sun is responding to the external movement of charge, the window is permanently opened to the Electric Universe, from macrocosmic currents to comet behavior and planetary instability in an earlier phase of solar system history. On issues of this sort public enthusiasm and support will be essential. The the key concepts are not obscure or difficult to grasp.
Additionally, the ability of the new paradigm to re-inspire the space age and to reinvigorate a broad spectrum of education—now in a grave decline—becomes increasingly apparent every year. Our culture as a whole is desperate for answers outside the confines of traditional institutions. All ideological authority is in decline. My own talk at the opening Friday evening, "Seeking the Third Story," will address this very issue from a new vantage point on human history and the future of science.
Lastly, a reminder for everyone who may have postponed a decision on whether to attend this event. Please don't let the calendar catch you by surprise: early-bird registration for the conference will be closing tomorrow (November 19). And please don't underestimate the value of your participation to our overall momentum in the coming year.
David Talbott
Mikamar Publishing
2315 SE Wren St.
Milwaukie, OR
One question we've received concerns the overall tone and content of the event:
Will the conference be primarily for scientists and experts with advanced training? Or will it be for general audiences?
The event is designed for both expert and general audiences alike, but with every effort being made to communicate key content at a readily understandable level. Perhaps a few exceptions should be expected, but the presentations as a whole are for an intellectually curious crowd drawn to the power of a new paradigm. No advanced degrees required!
When we launched the Thunderbolts Project several years ago, the goal was to advance the core concepts of the Electric Universe paradigm without ever becoming dependent on governmental or traditional institutional support. Broad support from the public requires effective communication with people from all walks of life.
At the same time we resolved to cultivate every possible opening to confidential discussion with experts in wide-ranging disciplines. In most contexts, for reasons most readers will surely understand, the communication has remained strictly confidential. This strategic component is now beginning to pay off in extraordinary ways, and individuals with the highest level of experience in the sciences will be present at the conference as observers.
One thing is clear from recent developments. The Electric Universe is rapidly gaining ground, and the gains are occurring precisely where concrete advances are most important to us. Until very recently I myself did not realize that, at the top of the scientific fields affected by the Electric Universe paradigm, many of the best experts are already in private conversation with each other about our work. A surprising number agree that the profile of theoretical science is going to change—and soon—with a radical turn toward the Electric Universe.
One major theme leading the way in 2012 will be the Thornhill-Scott hypothesis of the Electric Sun, with its emphasis on two testable and provable tenets: 1) solar behavior cannot be understood apart from the Sun's external electrical environment, and 2) the "mysterious" influence controlling variable solar output (showing up most profoundly at the highest frequencies) is a transistor-like action at the solar surface. In other words, without the benefit of electrical engineers and experts on energetic glow discharge phenomena, officials guiding solar exploration will continue to ask the wrong questions.
It should be obvious to all that if the Sun is responding to the external movement of charge, the window is permanently opened to the Electric Universe, from macrocosmic currents to comet behavior and planetary instability in an earlier phase of solar system history. On issues of this sort public enthusiasm and support will be essential. The the key concepts are not obscure or difficult to grasp.
Additionally, the ability of the new paradigm to re-inspire the space age and to reinvigorate a broad spectrum of education—now in a grave decline—becomes increasingly apparent every year. Our culture as a whole is desperate for answers outside the confines of traditional institutions. All ideological authority is in decline. My own talk at the opening Friday evening, "Seeking the Third Story," will address this very issue from a new vantage point on human history and the future of science.
Lastly, a reminder for everyone who may have postponed a decision on whether to attend this event. Please don't let the calendar catch you by surprise: early-bird registration for the conference will be closing tomorrow (November 19). And please don't underestimate the value of your participation to our overall momentum in the coming year.
David Talbott
Mikamar Publishing
2315 SE Wren St.
Milwaukie, OR
Ron Paul Video Updates
Let's help Ron Paul WIN! Here's what we can do...
Could Ron Paul Win in Iowa?
Ron Paul: Raising Taxes On Productive Businesses Would Make Our Problems Worse!
Ron Paul Gathering @ Cedar Rapids, Iowa (11-18-11).flv
Ron Paul: More Friendship, More Trade, No Preemptive Attacks
Ron Paul's Revolution Riding High
Ron Paul On The Jerry Doyle Show
Ron Paul Reality Check
Ron Paul at Des Moines Register Editorial Board Interview
Ron Paul Highlights at the Thanksgiving Family Forum (Family Leader Debate)
Ron Paul : We Can't Remain in Denial
Thanksgiving Family Forum - Family Leader Debate
Ron Paul Explains the Economic Crisis
Ron Paul: The Chinese Are Our Bankers, They're Not Going to Attack Us
Could Ron Paul Win in Iowa?
Ron Paul: Raising Taxes On Productive Businesses Would Make Our Problems Worse!
Ron Paul Gathering @ Cedar Rapids, Iowa (11-18-11).flv
Ron Paul: More Friendship, More Trade, No Preemptive Attacks
Ron Paul's Revolution Riding High
Ron Paul On The Jerry Doyle Show
Ron Paul Reality Check
Ron Paul at Des Moines Register Editorial Board Interview
Ron Paul Highlights at the Thanksgiving Family Forum (Family Leader Debate)
Ron Paul : We Can't Remain in Denial
Thanksgiving Family Forum - Family Leader Debate
Ron Paul Explains the Economic Crisis
Ron Paul: The Chinese Are Our Bankers, They're Not Going to Attack Us
Friday, November 18, 2011
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Sunday, November 13, 2011
The Catastrophic Termination of the Last Ice Age
Thunderbolts Project
November 12, 2011
Dear Friends,
We are pleased to announce that Dr. Robert Schoch of Boston University will give a major presentation at our upcoming conference, ELECTRIC UNIVERSE 2012—THE HUMAN STORY, January 6-8 in Las Vegas. Plasma scientist Anthony Peratt's work, well known to the Thunderbolts group, suggests intense electrical events in the terrestrial sky at the end of the last ice age. Inspired by this work and by our own DVD, Symbols of an Alien Sky, Dr.Schoch has undertaken an extensive investigation of his own. This conference presentation will highlight his findings:
The Catastrophic Termination of the Last Ice Age
Robert M. Schoch, Ph.D.
At the end of the last ice age, some 12,000 years ago according to standard dating, Earth underwent dramatic catastrophic changes. During this remote period there existed a stunningly sophisticated civilization, known from the archaeological site of Göbekli Tepe (in southeastern Turkey), which inexplicably disappeared. How? Why? The earliest origins of the Great Sphinx of Egypt may date back to this remote period as well. Based on a number of lines of new scientific evidence, at that time Earth was affected by major outbursts from our Sun, recorded in ice and sediment cores, in petroglyphs (ancient engravings on rocks) found around the globe, and in the mysterious (and previously un-interpreted) rongorongo texts of Easter Island.
Our unstable Sun erupting at the end of the last ice age melted glaciers that covered much of the land, evaporated tremendous amounts of water, and warmed the climate. In places the surface of the planet was incinerated as a huge plasma ball (electrically charged particles) hit and tremendous electrical storms filled the atmosphere, touching down to set conflagrations. To escape the terror, the few survivors may have been forced to seek shelter underground and in caves. Only megalithic rock structures could withstand the onslaught. Is this why there is such a paucity of physical remains from this early period? The atmosphere could only hold so much water before it precipitated out as tremendous and protracted rains. This, combined with the melting of the glaciers, created huge floods. Deluges are a part of myth and legend among virtually every ancient culture around the world; the Judeo-Christian Biblical Noachian flood is but one example. Recollections of cataclysmic events
destroying an advanced civilization that flourished thousands of years before the civilizations of ancient Egypt, Sumeria, or Greece are also nearly universal.
Since those ancient catastrophic times, our Sun has been relatively quiescent, but it is now entering an active period once again. We are at the beginning of a new cycle; major changes for Earth are on the horizon. The ramifications and reverberations of the coming changes will be much more extensive than most people dare imagine. Now is the time for a realistic assessment, stripped of ideological blinders, of some of our most cherished scientific assumptions, our past, and our potential future.
- - - - -
Robert M. Schoch, a full-time faculty member at the College of General Studies at Boston University since 1984, earned his Ph.D. in Geology and Geophysics at Yale University. Dr. Schoch’s work has been instrumental in spurring renewed attention to the interrelationships between geological and astronomical phenomena, natural catastrophes, and the early history of civilization. Among other contributions, his geological analyses of the Great Sphinx demonstrated that the statue is thousands of years older than the conventional dating of 2500 BCE. Dr. Schoch is featured in the Emmy-winning documentary The Mystery of the Sphinx, which first aired on NBC and has been subsequently broadcast on numerous channels both in America and abroad. Besides The Mystery of the Sphinx, he has appeared on many radio and television shows. Dr. Schoch has contributed to numerous magazines, journals, and reviews, and he is the author and coauthor of a number of books, both technical and popular, inc
luding Phylogeny Reconstruction in Paleontology, Stratigraphy: Principles and Methods, Voices of the Rocks, Voyages of the Pyramid Builders, Pyramid Quest, and the university text book Environmental Science: Systems and Solutions. Website: http://www.robertschoch.com/
Video preview of the conference:
Conference details and registration:
Mikamar Publishing
2315 SE Wren St.
Milwaukie, OR
November 12, 2011
Dear Friends,
We are pleased to announce that Dr. Robert Schoch of Boston University will give a major presentation at our upcoming conference, ELECTRIC UNIVERSE 2012—THE HUMAN STORY, January 6-8 in Las Vegas. Plasma scientist Anthony Peratt's work, well known to the Thunderbolts group, suggests intense electrical events in the terrestrial sky at the end of the last ice age. Inspired by this work and by our own DVD, Symbols of an Alien Sky, Dr.Schoch has undertaken an extensive investigation of his own. This conference presentation will highlight his findings:
The Catastrophic Termination of the Last Ice Age
Robert M. Schoch, Ph.D.
At the end of the last ice age, some 12,000 years ago according to standard dating, Earth underwent dramatic catastrophic changes. During this remote period there existed a stunningly sophisticated civilization, known from the archaeological site of Göbekli Tepe (in southeastern Turkey), which inexplicably disappeared. How? Why? The earliest origins of the Great Sphinx of Egypt may date back to this remote period as well. Based on a number of lines of new scientific evidence, at that time Earth was affected by major outbursts from our Sun, recorded in ice and sediment cores, in petroglyphs (ancient engravings on rocks) found around the globe, and in the mysterious (and previously un-interpreted) rongorongo texts of Easter Island.
Our unstable Sun erupting at the end of the last ice age melted glaciers that covered much of the land, evaporated tremendous amounts of water, and warmed the climate. In places the surface of the planet was incinerated as a huge plasma ball (electrically charged particles) hit and tremendous electrical storms filled the atmosphere, touching down to set conflagrations. To escape the terror, the few survivors may have been forced to seek shelter underground and in caves. Only megalithic rock structures could withstand the onslaught. Is this why there is such a paucity of physical remains from this early period? The atmosphere could only hold so much water before it precipitated out as tremendous and protracted rains. This, combined with the melting of the glaciers, created huge floods. Deluges are a part of myth and legend among virtually every ancient culture around the world; the Judeo-Christian Biblical Noachian flood is but one example. Recollections of cataclysmic events
destroying an advanced civilization that flourished thousands of years before the civilizations of ancient Egypt, Sumeria, or Greece are also nearly universal.
Since those ancient catastrophic times, our Sun has been relatively quiescent, but it is now entering an active period once again. We are at the beginning of a new cycle; major changes for Earth are on the horizon. The ramifications and reverberations of the coming changes will be much more extensive than most people dare imagine. Now is the time for a realistic assessment, stripped of ideological blinders, of some of our most cherished scientific assumptions, our past, and our potential future.
- - - - -
Robert M. Schoch, a full-time faculty member at the College of General Studies at Boston University since 1984, earned his Ph.D. in Geology and Geophysics at Yale University. Dr. Schoch’s work has been instrumental in spurring renewed attention to the interrelationships between geological and astronomical phenomena, natural catastrophes, and the early history of civilization. Among other contributions, his geological analyses of the Great Sphinx demonstrated that the statue is thousands of years older than the conventional dating of 2500 BCE. Dr. Schoch is featured in the Emmy-winning documentary The Mystery of the Sphinx, which first aired on NBC and has been subsequently broadcast on numerous channels both in America and abroad. Besides The Mystery of the Sphinx, he has appeared on many radio and television shows. Dr. Schoch has contributed to numerous magazines, journals, and reviews, and he is the author and coauthor of a number of books, both technical and popular, inc
luding Phylogeny Reconstruction in Paleontology, Stratigraphy: Principles and Methods, Voices of the Rocks, Voyages of the Pyramid Builders, Pyramid Quest, and the university text book Environmental Science: Systems and Solutions. Website: http://www.robertschoch.com/
Video preview of the conference:
Conference details and registration:
Mikamar Publishing
2315 SE Wren St.
Milwaukie, OR
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
As we noted last week, the blocked rooms at the Rio are going fast. As of today, about two thirds of the rooms have been reserved. Also, please keep in mind the date Saturday, November 19. That's the last day to enjoy the early bird registration discount. For details on conference registration and the special room rate for attendees, including free Wi-Fi, go to the conference registration page.
The word on the conference is definitely getting out, and the last two speaker positions (of 17) should be tied down this coming week. (In this regard, please note the item below, a major breakthrough in our scholarly and scientific liaison.)
The Thunderbolts Project is pleased to announce a new speaker, Dr. Gerald Pollack, the distinguished Professor of Bioengineering at the University of Washington, for Electric Universe 2012 Conference: The Human Story, January 6-8th in Las Vegas.
It is well known that 99% of muscle tissue consists of water molecules. Decades of research led Dr Pollack to the discovery that water is highly structured and versatile, exhibiting electrified features similar to those of plasma. Dr. Pollack's work, together with that of fellow speaker James Oschman, highlights the charge carrying function of the connective tissue. Every year, the acknowledged role of the electric force, organizing and regulating biological systems, continues to grow, and today there can be little doubt that these findings will revolutionize our understanding of disease and healing.
Come join us for this exciting union of the electricity of life and the electric universe!
The word on the conference is definitely getting out, and the last two speaker positions (of 17) should be tied down this coming week. (In this regard, please note the item below, a major breakthrough in our scholarly and scientific liaison.)
The Thunderbolts Project is pleased to announce a new speaker, Dr. Gerald Pollack, the distinguished Professor of Bioengineering at the University of Washington, for Electric Universe 2012 Conference: The Human Story, January 6-8th in Las Vegas.
It is well known that 99% of muscle tissue consists of water molecules. Decades of research led Dr Pollack to the discovery that water is highly structured and versatile, exhibiting electrified features similar to those of plasma. Dr. Pollack's work, together with that of fellow speaker James Oschman, highlights the charge carrying function of the connective tissue. Every year, the acknowledged role of the electric force, organizing and regulating biological systems, continues to grow, and today there can be little doubt that these findings will revolutionize our understanding of disease and healing.
Come join us for this exciting union of the electricity of life and the electric universe!
Friday, November 4, 2011
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