
Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Bilderberg: The Great Game with Author Daniel Estulin

Medical Industry Nightmares with Dr. Peter Glidden

Nature of The Ruling Class

Leaked! The Dark Knight Rises

Filmmaker Joel Gilbert: Obama's Real Father Exposed!

Lord Monckton: UN Teaches Children They Need to Die!

Alex Jones On Tanks In The Streets in St. Louis

Dr. Masaru Emoto, author of Messages From Water, interviewed by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger

Four presidents propose power of eurozone authorities over national governments

Syngenta corporation faces criminal charges for covering up livestock deaths from GM corn

Is US government setting stage to outlaw Vitamin D like raw milk? Mainstream media attacks nutrition

Lady Gaga’s new perfume created using blend of human blood, semen, and poisonous extract

A Divine Drama: The Esoteric Agenda Behind World War III

Where Does Money Come From? The Giant Federal Reserve Scam That Most Americans Do Not Understand

The Real Billy Corgan: Down the Rabbit Hole

U.S. Army Admits Troops Conducting Law Enforcement Is Illegal

Ariz. congressmen: Administration has declared war against Arizona

Law Student Takes Cop To School After Being Illegally Stopped For Carrying Gun


The following is not a complete list, but it's a good start, with compelling segments from presentations at our first annual conference in Las Vegas. If you've never attended an EU conference, you owe it to yourself to check out these video clips.

Though we'll be involved in a lot more than speaker presentations at the upcoming NPA conference (July 25-28), many of the speakers included in these clips will be giving talks. Scholarly and scientific liaison is now in full bloom, and the EU movement is growing faster than any of us had expected. We'd like you to be be a part of it.

The Electronic Sun / Donald Scott

Retired professor of electrical engineering Donald Scott discusses a transistor-like effect active on our Sun and regulating solar output, an effect that places the Sun squarely in the category of a glow discharge phenomenon. Longstanding mysteries disappear when seen through the lens of an electric sun

Returning Science to Real Physics / Wallace Thornhill

Leading EU proponent Wal Thornhill takes us back to the fundamentals of the natural sciences before theoretical physics became a playground for mathematicians. “Mathematics is not physics,” he says, and the absolute requirement is that observation and experiment lead the way, inviting mathematicians to complete a picture, not build one on a foundation of mere abstractions.

Seeking the Third Story / David Talbott

This first of two talks by David Talbott provides an overview of human history, from the myth-making epoch to the rise of modern science. What will history look like, when we see the ancient past in terms of the archetypal accord between all of the early cultures? This video includes the initial presentation in full.

The Role of Water in the Electric Body / Gerald Pollack

Distinguished professor of bio-engineering Gerald Pollack introduces the remarkable electrical and plasma-like qualities of water, with attributes that can only expand our ideas about the Electricity of Life.  This rapidly growing dimension of the Electric Universe paradigm has now opened up entirely new avenues for us, into one of the leading edges of theoretical science.

Plasma Behavior in the Floating Water Bridge & Biology / Rorbert Johnson

The British proponent of the Electric Universe, Robert Johnson, expands on Gerald Pollack’s work, to show the remarkable similarities between the “floating water bridge” and a Birkeland Current, all the way down to a stable annulus and core-like structure, a bi-directional flow of charged particles, and a rotating outer layer that can be understood in electrodynamic terms.

Comets, Meteors, and Asteroids / Wallace Thornhill

One of the foremost advantages of the Electric Universe paradigm is its predictive success—at a level of undisputed discovery. Only an electrified solar system, centered on the Sun, will explain the things we now know about comets. The dirty snowball theory has failed virtually test, and the origins of comets cannot be separated from the origins of meteors and asteroids.

It is an Electric Universe After All / Charles William Lucas Jr.

Another exceptional talk by Dr. Bill Lucas, detailing the electrodynamic underpinnings of gravity.  The result is to remove the contradictions of the gravity-centric universe of so many popular speculations in cosmology.  The “paradoxical” movements of galactic arms then become predictable, with no need for dark matter. And numerous other failings of common theory are exposed as well.

Human Metabolism Meets Cosmic Metabolism / James Oschman

What is “earthing”?  Perhaps no talk provoked more skepticism on the front end than that of Dr. James Oschman. But it turns out that concrete evidence does support the concept of an electrical connection between a human being and the Earth.  Electron flow from earth to the human body involves some well-tested healing effects.

The Electrodynamic Pulse of Life / Charles William Lucas, Jr.

Dr Bill Lucas reviews some extraordinary work in the field of bio-electricity.  The electric pulse of life takes biology far beyond the mechanistic doctrines that dominated medicine and the life sciences just a few decades ago.

The Catastrophic Termination of the Last Ice Age / Robert Schoch

Easter Island petroglyphs and script find a new interpretation by geologist Dr. Robert Schoch, who compares them to the extraordinary plasma forms enumerated by plasma scientist Anthony Peratt.

The Failed Attempts to Detect Macro Lensing / Edward Dowdye, Jr.

Contrary to what we’ve been told for decades, gravity does not bend light, according to Dr. Edward Dowdye, a former LASER Electro-Optics Engineer (retired) at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland.

"Hydrocarbons in the Deep Earth"

This thread present an extensive body of evidence that petroleum has a non-biological origin

"Electricity and Plasma, from Micro to Macro and Beyond..."

Here is a compendium of a wide array of plasma processes from the subatomic to galactic scales

"Is 'ball lightning' simply scattered bead lightning?"

Taking a tip from Wal Thornhill; a forum member makes an intriguing proposal

"Venus Transit- Plasma tail & Coronal Hole?"

What are the possible electrical effects of Venus' plasma tail interacting with the Earth?

"NASA finds galaxy is kicking out its own Black Hole"

NASA astronomers misinterpret data gathered by the Chandra X Ray telescope

"Conservation of Energy"

A major premise of the Electric Universe model is that matter cannot be created or destroyed

"11,000 B.C. Extinction"

This fascinating topic considers the mysteries surrounding the disappearance of mega fauna in the late Pleistocene pBB3/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=994

"ESA says trick illusion galaxies NGC 3314 aren't interacting"

Mainstream cosmologists deny the obvious

Another Year

June 22, 2012
The MESSENGER spacecraft has recently been approved for an extended mission in Mercury orbit.

Sun Stroke

June 21, 2012
Is it the breaking and reconnecting of magnetic field lines that power solar phenomena?

Stars That Will Not Explode

June 20, 2012
NASA computer simulations are not able to correctly model supernova explosions.

Traditions of Science

June 19, 2012
Science and folk tradition are supposed to be strictly separate domains of knowledge, but in practice they often shade into each other.

Windy Waves

June 18, 2012
Wind socks, bow shocks, shockwaves and collisions are often used to describe the phenomena that create high-frequency electromagnetic radiation in the cosmos.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Catholic Bishops Issue Prayer for Liberty ‘In This Decisive Hour in the History of Our Nation’

Ron Paul as Hypocrite?

Why the FED’s Zero Interest Rate Policy Hurts the Economy

High court health care decision expected next week

Tank-driving, cash-stealing kleptocrats – watch out!

Newly Released Footage Proves TSA Body Scanners Are Useless!

Obama Moves To Conceal Drone Death Figures

iRacism: Apple refuses to sell products to US Persians

MMR causes autism, proven in Italian court case

Nature fights back – bugs devour GM Monsanto corn with a vengeance

Verbally Abusive Middle School Kids Make A 68 Year Old Bus Monitor Cry

Pennsylvania residents beg to be poisoned with fluoride

Starving Greeks queue for food in their thousands

Greek healthcare system collapses, hospital workers now working without pay

AG Holder and House GOP May Compromise on “Fast and Furious”

5 Reasons Why The White House Is A Faith-Based Institution

Herman Cain: Blame Congress, Not The Federal Reserve!

CONFIRMED: US CIA Arming Terrorists in Syria

The Globalist End Game with David Icke

TSA Wants To Spy On Employees’ Communications

Data Mining: Big Corporations Are Gathering Every Shred Of Information About You That They Can

Drone Used To Spy On Miami Partygoers